Ooh - it does get in!
In summer you want to give your garden a good soak and get it deep - a leaky hose will do the job...
Releasing a small amount of water over a long period of time allows the water to permeate down through your soil to the root zone. A sprinkler on the surface just waters the top layer and may bring the roots to the surface where they can wither in the heat.
You can safely leave it running all night, lay it under mulch, or under the soil within your vegetable bed.
15 and 30m lemgths available - water wisely!

We love NZ Natives
Whether you are wanting to establish a hardy hedge, fill a gap in your garden, add some form or texture, or you have soil or a site where nothing wants to grow - chances are we will have a NZ native plant that will do the job for you!
Our native plants are great performers in a wide range of conditions. They are by no means boring - whether you admire the magnificent Kauri, Rimu, Pohutakawa or Totara, the versatile Pittosporums, Griselinia and Corokia, the colourful Hebes, Flaxes and Libertia or the many tough and useful groundcovers like Coprosma.
Valued garden plants and loved by the birdl

Spring Bulbs have started to arrive
We've just received our Anemone, Ranunculus, Hyacinth, Gladioli nanus, Freesia, Scilla and Muscari bulbs. Those in the know will be in to get the first pick of a fantastic selection - as it's always the early bird that gets the worm!
Pop on in and check out our current selection - we would hate for you to miss out.
New in Stock

ican Liquid Citrus and Fruit Food
ican Liquid Citrus and Fruit Food is just the tonic for all your fruiting plants - in pots or the garden
The Fruiting nutrient : ican Liquid Citrus and Fruit is enriched with Potassium for enhanced flowering, fruiting - and improved flavour and fruit yield.
NPK of 12:3:12 : with added trace elements and minerals that your fruiting plants require for peak performance
Liquid application for quick absorption : the nutrients are readily available to the plant through the foliage and the roots
Concentrated Formula : Makes up to 100 litres of fertiliser
onlyn14.99 ea.

Protect your crop
Don't lose your precious crop to pesky birds - we have a range of crop protection bags to make the job simple.
We have different sizes so you can protect individual bunches, a whole limb or a whole small bush or tree. These bags are breathable, UV resistant organza ( so that they can be used year after year) and being green they look good too! Ranging from small bags to large 3m x3m bags.
Keep them in place with the simple drawstring.
They can also be used for protection from white butterflies on your brassicas and Psyllid on your tomatoes

Blueberries are back
There are so many good things to say about blueberry bushes, but in a nutshell: Blueberry plants are easy, productive, attractive, multi-purpose plants that just keep on giving.
Whether grown as a hedge, in the garden or in large pots, blueberries only ask for rich acidic soil and in return the mature bushes will provide you with buckets of fruit. We recommend generously adding peat to the soil at planting time (and as an annual top-dressing) to acidify the soil and/or feeding those in the garden with a handful of ican Acid Food in Spring and again in late Summer. 29.99 ea or 2 for $50!
Harrisons G-News
Email Newsletter
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Timely tips, new arrivals, special offers and advance notice of special events. A quick and easy read to find out what has just arrived in store or what you may need to be doing in your garden now. You’ll be first to know about any hot offers or limited releases. Enter your details to the right to receive these handy updates – we promise we won’t SPAM you with pesky emails you never read. You’ll find this newsletter a handy helper while enjoying a cuppa and pondering your home and garden “to do” list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Go Gardening Magazine

Our Summer 2024 Go Gardening Magazine is available now at our checkout free of charge to our customers. Lots of seasonal information and inspiration to inspire you to get growing this season.
Collect your free copy in store ... or click here to read our online flipping book
Click here to visit our facebook page where you will find regular updates as to new plant and product arrivals as well as handy videos on garden care for many popular plants in your garden.
Traffic Lights at Harrisons - Covid 19 (red, orange and green)
At any level we would ask that if you are feeling unwell please stay home and rest. We are happy to supply you through pre-arranged car park collection or we can organise home delivery for a minimal charge.
You can email orders@harrisons.co.nz with your requirements and we will do our very best to assist.
- Our garden centres are open with capacity limit of 100 people (excluding team members).
- My Vaccine Pass is not required from customers.
- Our QR code (or record keeping) will be displayed and we ask our customers to record your visit.
- Face coverings are compulsory in the garden centre for all team members and customers (unless a valid exemption is produced).
- 1m social distancing required - a big trolley will do the trick.
- The Cafe at PekaPeka can open with restrictions using My Vaccine Pass.
- Our garden centres are open with capacity limits based on 1m social distancing
- My Vaccine Pass is not required from customers.
- Our QR code (or record keeping) will be displayed and we ask our customers to record your visit.
- Face coverings are compulsory in the garden centre for all team members and customers (unless a valid exemption is produced).
- The Cafe at PekaPeka can open with restrictions using My Vaccine Pass.
- Our garden centres are open with no capacity limits. It's time to socialise as no social distancing is required.
- My Vaccine Pass is not required from customers.
- Our QR code (for record keeping) will be displayed and it is your responsibility to record your visit.
- Face coverings are encouraged but are not mandatory in the garden centre - we are looking forward to this day!
- The Cafe at Peka Peka can open with no restrictions if using My Vaccine Pass.